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AbstractResultCvPipeline<T> - Class in com.pocolifo.robobase.vision
An OpenCvPipeline which has a result.
AbstractResultCvPipeline() - Constructor for class com.pocolifo.robobase.vision.AbstractResultCvPipeline
AutonomousOpMode - Class in com.pocolifo.robobase.bootstrap
Base class for Autonomous code to go.
AutonomousOpMode() - Constructor for class com.pocolifo.robobase.bootstrap.AutonomousOpMode


backLeft - Variable in class com.pocolifo.robobase.motor.CarWheels
The back left Wheel, if looking from the back of the robot and in the same direction of the robot.
backRight - Variable in class com.pocolifo.robobase.motor.CarWheels
The back right Wheel, if looking from the back of the robot and in the same direction of the robot.
BoolSupplier - Interface in com.pocolifo.robobase.control
BootstrappedOpMode - Class in com.pocolifo.robobase.bootstrap
"Bootstrapping" is the preparing another program to initialize.
BootstrappedOpMode() - Constructor for class com.pocolifo.robobase.bootstrap.BootstrappedOpMode


CarWheels - Class in com.pocolifo.robobase.motor
Contains functions to move the robot very intuitively.
CarWheels(Robot, Wheel, Wheel, Wheel, Wheel, Wheel) - Constructor for class com.pocolifo.robobase.motor.CarWheels
Instantiate CarWheels.
CarWheels(HardwareMap, int, double, Robot, String, String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class com.pocolifo.robobase.motor.CarWheels
Quickly instantiate CarWheels.
circumferenceCm - Variable in class com.pocolifo.robobase.motor.Wheel
The circumference of this wheel, in centimeters.
clearPipeline() - Method in class com.pocolifo.robobase.vision.Webcam
Unsets the webcam pipeline; no data will be able to be processed since there is no pipeline active.
close() - Method in class com.pocolifo.robobase.control.GamepadCarWheels
Cleans up this GamepadCarWheels instance.
close() - Method in class com.pocolifo.robobase.motor.CarWheels
Closes the internal motors.
close() - Method in class com.pocolifo.robobase.motor.Motor
Closes the internal DcMotor device.
close() - Method in class com.pocolifo.robobase.vision.Webcam
Closes the camera.
com.pocolifo.robobase - package com.pocolifo.robobase
This is the core package for the RoboBase library.
com.pocolifo.robobase.bootstrap - package com.pocolifo.robobase.bootstrap
Robot initialization functionality.
com.pocolifo.robobase.control - package com.pocolifo.robobase.control
Utilities for controlling the robot with input devices.
com.pocolifo.robobase.motor - package com.pocolifo.robobase.motor
Motor related functionality and utilities.
com.pocolifo.robobase.vision - package com.pocolifo.robobase.vision
Webcam related functionality.


doesPassDimensionInspection() - Method in class com.pocolifo.robobase.Robot
Determine if the robot meets dimension requirements.
drive(double) - Method in class com.pocolifo.robobase.motor.Motor
Starts moving the motor at a given speed.
drive(double, boolean) - Method in class com.pocolifo.robobase.motor.CarWheels
Drive the motors forward or backward.
drive(double, double, boolean) - Method in class com.pocolifo.robobase.motor.CarWheels
Drive the motors forward or backward at a certain speed.
driveIndividually(double, double, double, double) - Method in class com.pocolifo.robobase.motor.CarWheels
Sets the motor speed of each wheel individually.
driveOmni(float, float, float) - Method in class com.pocolifo.robobase.motor.CarWheels
Drive the robot with omni-drive.
dumpEnvironment() - Method in class com.pocolifo.robobase.bootstrap.BootstrappedOpMode
Debug method that detects all devices and the runtime environment in general.


EncoderTracker - Class in com.pocolifo.robobase.control
EncoderTracker() - Constructor for class com.pocolifo.robobase.control.EncoderTracker


flush() - Method in class com.pocolifo.robobase.bootstrap.RobotDebugPrintStream
frontLeft - Variable in class com.pocolifo.robobase.motor.CarWheels
The front left Wheel, if looking from the back of the robot and in the same direction of the robot.
frontRight - Variable in class com.pocolifo.robobase.motor.CarWheels
The front right Wheel, if looking from the back of the robot and in the same direction of the robot.


GamepadCarWheels - Class in com.pocolifo.robobase.control
Utility class which implements Omni-Drive.
GamepadCarWheels(CarWheels, Gamepad) - Constructor for class com.pocolifo.robobase.control.GamepadCarWheels
get() - Method in interface com.pocolifo.robobase.control.BoolSupplier
get() - Method in class com.pocolifo.robobase.control.Pressable
Get the current toggled state.
get() - Method in class com.pocolifo.robobase.control.Toggleable
Get the current toggled state.
getPipeline() - Method in class com.pocolifo.robobase.vision.Webcam
Gets the current active pipeline of the webcam.
getResult() - Method in class com.pocolifo.robobase.vision.AbstractResultCvPipeline
Get the current result of the pipeline.


hardwareMap - Variable in class com.pocolifo.robobase.vision.Webcam
The HardwareMap associated with this webcam.
hasWarningSticker - Variable in class com.pocolifo.robobase.Robot
If the robot has the "Warning: Robot Moves on Initialization" sticker on it.
heightCm - Variable in class com.pocolifo.robobase.Robot
The height of the robot in real life, in centimeters.


init() - Method in class com.pocolifo.robobase.bootstrap.AutonomousOpMode
init() - Method in class com.pocolifo.robobase.bootstrap.BootstrappedOpMode
init() - Method in class com.pocolifo.robobase.bootstrap.TeleOpOpMode
init_loop() - Method in class com.pocolifo.robobase.bootstrap.AutonomousOpMode
init_loop() - Method in class com.pocolifo.robobase.bootstrap.TeleOpOpMode
initialize() - Method in class com.pocolifo.robobase.bootstrap.AutonomousOpMode
The initialization method for Autonomous.
initialize() - Method in class com.pocolifo.robobase.bootstrap.TeleOpOpMode
The initialization method for TeleOp.


lengthCm - Variable in class com.pocolifo.robobase.Robot
The length of the robot in real life, in centimeters.
loop() - Method in class com.pocolifo.robobase.bootstrap.AutonomousOpMode


motor - Variable in class com.pocolifo.robobase.motor.Motor
The DcMotor associated with this motor.
Motor - Class in com.pocolifo.robobase.motor
Represents a motor.
Motor(DcMotor, int) - Constructor for class com.pocolifo.robobase.motor.Motor
Instantiate a Motor.


onToggleOff(Runnable) - Method in class com.pocolifo.robobase.control.Toggleable
Run code when this Toggleable is toggled OFF.
onToggleOn(Runnable) - Method in class com.pocolifo.robobase.control.Toggleable
Run code when this Toggleable is toggled ON.
open(AbstractResultCvPipeline<?>) - Method in class com.pocolifo.robobase.vision.Webcam
Opens the camera.


Pressable - Class in com.pocolifo.robobase.control
Pressable(BoolSupplier) - Constructor for class com.pocolifo.robobase.control.Pressable
Creates a Pressable.
print(boolean) - Method in class com.pocolifo.robobase.bootstrap.RobotDebugPrintStream
print(char) - Method in class com.pocolifo.robobase.bootstrap.RobotDebugPrintStream
print(char[]) - Method in class com.pocolifo.robobase.bootstrap.RobotDebugPrintStream
print(double) - Method in class com.pocolifo.robobase.bootstrap.RobotDebugPrintStream
print(float) - Method in class com.pocolifo.robobase.bootstrap.RobotDebugPrintStream
print(int) - Method in class com.pocolifo.robobase.bootstrap.RobotDebugPrintStream
print(long) - Method in class com.pocolifo.robobase.bootstrap.RobotDebugPrintStream
print(Object) - Method in class com.pocolifo.robobase.bootstrap.RobotDebugPrintStream
print(String) - Method in class com.pocolifo.robobase.bootstrap.RobotDebugPrintStream
printf(String, Object...) - Method in class com.pocolifo.robobase.bootstrap.RobotDebugPrintStream
println() - Method in class com.pocolifo.robobase.bootstrap.RobotDebugPrintStream
println(boolean) - Method in class com.pocolifo.robobase.bootstrap.RobotDebugPrintStream
println(char) - Method in class com.pocolifo.robobase.bootstrap.RobotDebugPrintStream
println(char[]) - Method in class com.pocolifo.robobase.bootstrap.RobotDebugPrintStream
println(double) - Method in class com.pocolifo.robobase.bootstrap.RobotDebugPrintStream
println(float) - Method in class com.pocolifo.robobase.bootstrap.RobotDebugPrintStream
println(int) - Method in class com.pocolifo.robobase.bootstrap.RobotDebugPrintStream
println(long) - Method in class com.pocolifo.robobase.bootstrap.RobotDebugPrintStream
println(Object) - Method in class com.pocolifo.robobase.bootstrap.RobotDebugPrintStream
println(String) - Method in class com.pocolifo.robobase.bootstrap.RobotDebugPrintStream
processUpdates() - Method in class com.pocolifo.robobase.control.Toggleable
Updates this Toggleable.


result - Variable in class com.pocolifo.robobase.vision.AbstractResultCvPipeline
The result of the webcam processor.
robot - Variable in class com.pocolifo.robobase.motor.CarWheels
The Robot that is associated with these CarWheels.
Robot - Class in com.pocolifo.robobase
Data and other information about the robot.
Robot(double, double, double, int, String, boolean) - Constructor for class com.pocolifo.robobase.Robot
RobotDebugPrintStream - Class in com.pocolifo.robobase.bootstrap
An implementation of PrintStream which is used as the implementation of System.out and System.err.
robotName - Variable in class com.pocolifo.robobase.Robot
The name of the robot.
rotate(double, double) - Method in class com.pocolifo.robobase.motor.CarWheels
Rotates the robot.
rotateClockwise(double, double) - Method in class com.pocolifo.robobase.motor.CarWheels
Rotates the robot clockwise.
rotateCounterclockwise(double, double) - Method in class com.pocolifo.robobase.motor.CarWheels
Rotates the robot counterclockwise.
run() - Method in class com.pocolifo.robobase.bootstrap.AutonomousOpMode
Run the Autonomous code (i.e.


setDriveTarget(double) - Method in class com.pocolifo.robobase.motor.CarWheels
Sets the motor target of the special wheel.
setDriveTarget(double) - Method in class com.pocolifo.robobase.motor.Wheel
Sets how far the motor should move (in centimeters).
setPipeline(AbstractResultCvPipeline<?>) - Method in class com.pocolifo.robobase.vision.Webcam
Sets the pipeline for the webcam which can process the data stream coming in from the webcam.
sleep(long) - Method in class com.pocolifo.robobase.bootstrap.BootstrappedOpMode
Waits a desired number of milliseconds.
start() - Method in class com.pocolifo.robobase.bootstrap.AutonomousOpMode
stopMoving() - Method in class com.pocolifo.robobase.motor.Motor
Stop the movement of the motor.


targetPosition - Variable in class com.pocolifo.robobase.motor.Wheel
The target encoder position
teamNumber - Variable in class com.pocolifo.robobase.Robot
The number of the team who built the robot.
TeleOpOpMode - Class in com.pocolifo.robobase.bootstrap
Base class for TeleOp code to go.
TeleOpOpMode() - Constructor for class com.pocolifo.robobase.bootstrap.TeleOpOpMode
tickCount - Variable in class com.pocolifo.robobase.motor.Motor
The amount of motor ticks that make one full revolution of the motor.
Toggleable - Class in com.pocolifo.robobase.control
Toggleable(BoolSupplier) - Constructor for class com.pocolifo.robobase.control.Toggleable
Creates a Toggleable.


update(boolean) - Method in class com.pocolifo.robobase.control.GamepadCarWheels
Must be called every loop iteration to update the movement of the wheels.


VOID_STREAM - Static variable in class com.pocolifo.robobase.bootstrap.RobotDebugPrintStream
An implementation of OutputStream which does not write to anything.


Webcam - Class in com.pocolifo.robobase.vision
Abstracts away certain parts of OpenCvCamera.
Webcam(HardwareMap, String) - Constructor for class com.pocolifo.robobase.vision.Webcam
Initializes a Webcam.
Webcam(HardwareMap, WebcamName) - Constructor for class com.pocolifo.robobase.vision.Webcam
webcamDevice - Variable in class com.pocolifo.robobase.vision.Webcam
The webcam device.
Wheel - Class in com.pocolifo.robobase.motor
Represents a single wheel on the robot.
Wheel(DcMotor, int, double) - Constructor for class com.pocolifo.robobase.motor.Wheel
Instantiate a Wheel.
wheelDiameterCm - Variable in class com.pocolifo.robobase.motor.Wheel
The diameter of this wheel, in centimeters.
widthCm - Variable in class com.pocolifo.robobase.Robot
The width of the robot in real life, in centimeters.
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