Documentation #9
Finalizing Designs and Strategies for Robot
Our Goal: Come up with a strong strategy for the robot during the competiton and a solid design for that strategy that we will be building for the reaminder of the time untill the scrimmage.
1. Finishing setting up stage door
The foam padding on the field is fully set up, but the different elements of the game such as the stage door, the tape on the floor and the trellis’. The bars on the side need to be 14 inches off the ground, but unfortunately this was not finished and made exact yet. Corbin will finish the side bars, along with Rohan which will do the tape.
2. Finishing the edge detection and integrating it
They are working on getting the robot to do telemetry for the edge detection, but as this is a very complicated function the robot needs to do, so it will take several other meetings to get done.
3. Deciding which design to use for the robot
There are two designs left for the robots intake and outtake, both are linear slides, but they are still unsure on the location that is preferable. Depending on the location of the linear slides they can access different heights of things and can fit into the parameters of the size of the robot.
4. Implementing multi-threading into code base
Multi-threading is disturbing the roles of different functions to multiple processors, so that the jobs get done more efficiently. This is a relatively simple concept in software that Arlan has implemented.
5. Improving omni-drive
Arlan made omni-drive run smoother for when the robot is driving, as in the past years T-10’s robot has struggled to do with and frequently struck its surroundings.
software working on implementing different acpects of robot Hardware working on feild