Documentation #6

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Test Driving and Continuing Discusions of Previous Day

Our Goal: Learning about basic actuators and setting up the field, along with continuing design and building of the robot. Our members were also able to compete against each other for the driver of the robot. Software is trying to get things up to date from last year.


1. Meeting as a club about actuators and how they work

Mr. Chladne gave a presentation to the whole club about what kinds of motors we will be using and the kinds of speeds that are beneficial for the specific actions that we are going to use the arm for.

2. Brainstorming and developing ideas for robot claw

Thinking about the design of the arm of the robot, Lilly talks to Mr. Sarnevitz about the different ideas the club has agreed on so far to find the best one. Those include having wheels on the sides of the drone to push it outwards, using a thin box to hold in the pixels, 2 at a time, and flipping the arm over to put them in the holder, and having a separate intake and outtake mechanism, which was a design used in last year’s competition. Some new ideas that were brought up were grabbing the pixels from the inside, slingshotting the drones with a spring, and using a claw to grab the outside of the pixel.

3. Building the chassis of the robot

Corbin, helped with Julian, finishes off building the chassis of the robot so that it is ready for software to test out and for hardware to build off of.

4. Updated LO2’s and T-10’s driver stations

Lincoln updated the drivers station software to version 9, so it is up to date. This is for controlling the robot during the driving phase of the competition

5. Creating prototype for mechanism for intake

Mila and Shrikar were designing a mechanism for the arm of the robot to sweep up the pixels and put them into a chamber that could potentially be how it gets them into their slots.

6. Testing out driving

Mila brought some robots to test out as a team to see who is the best driver. This was a good team building activity, and now we have a couple of good candidates for driver of the robot during the competition.


The robots that Mila brought for T-10 to practice with. The races for checking which member would be the best driver for the cometition.