Documentation #3
Finishing Outreach and Chores Before Season
Our Goal: Finish up on all of the beginning steps of the club, rebuilding from the summer, and also networking out to other organizations for outreach
1. Helping people new to club
Arlan was informing new recruits on the basics of this club, getting them into the jist of what T-10 life would look like and what is required.
2. Working on website
Lincoln, the leader of software, was working, with the rest of software, on adding photos of the club to our official website.
3. Organization
Evan leads the organization with Julian and Corbin. They organized the lockers, the cabinets with all of the materials hardware uses to make the robot. They were able to finish up the work that needed to be done from the past year, and will keep up on it during the season.
4. Make t-shirts and forms
Desdin created the t-shirt design, and Mila was the one that organized making the shirts themselves.