Documentation #16
Hardware Catch Up Day
Our Goal: Since there is no longer a scrimmage that we are worried about, software is ahead of schedule and they don’t have much left to do. Hardware on the other hand has a lot to get done still as they were behind schedule for the scrimmage and still are.
1. Having stand up meeting
We are going to meet in room 103, this time to discuss what extra things we have to do with the robot and when the scrimmage will happen. This is unfortunately going to be canceled, so we aren’t really in a rush to get the robot ready.
2. Making drone launching system
We are going to use a servo that has a circular gear on it that will hook onto a rubber band and stretch it so that when it lets go it will launch the drones out.
3. Attaching the bottom intake for the robot
The bottom intake will be the sweeping mechanism, which is going to stay in one position the whole time.
4. Incorporated april tag detection to autonomous
Software worked on putting in the april tag detection code into the autonomous code for the robot as that is important for the robot to do during autonomous.
5. Working on getting the linear slides made
The dimensions for the linear slides have been created, so all there is to do now is to make them and attach them to the robot, which Lilly is doing.
6. Redoing collars for hexagonal axle
Cobin was working on 3D designing the collar for the hexagonal axles last meet but he never got to print it out. Unfortunately, they came out too small, so they will have to be redone to the appropriate size.
Corbin dening collars Corbin and Ian working on linear slides Software on computers Julian working on robot Srikar displaying drone launching mechanism