Documentation #12
Preparation for Scrimmage: Roles and Getting Ready to Compete
Our Goal: Starting to get closer to the scrimmage, so we need to decide on who is going to be the Human Player, Driver and Coach. Still, some more tasks have to get done to be ready for scrimmage, along with making intake outtake box.
1. Going to room 102 for meeting
We decided who was going to be in which role, because we needed to decide this early on so that the people in those roles could make the proper decisions for the robot based on their preferences. Our goal for the scrimmage is to be able to put at least one pixel on the board, as this will take a lot of teamwork for each component of the robot to do.
2. Finishing the 3D printed prototype
The 3D printing has been done for the prototype of the intake of the robot so that testing can be done on its design to prove if it is a good option for the competitions. Corbin and Leo R and working on incorporating it in the robot. The design has a little edge poking inwards on one of the holes so that none of the pixels fall out through the intake hole, and a servo closes and opens the other side of it so that when the robot is ready it can drop the pixel on its proper spot. During testing we found out that this actually does work for us.
3. Working on autonomous CV
Arlan, who is unfortunately not here at this meeting, coded some of the autonomous CV, and Eli is trying to interpret it so that he knows what else to work on with it and what could be improved. This will probably take him all meetings.
4. Implementing color detection
Arlan finished the color detection for the CV of the robot, so the robot can sense where it is and made adjustments as needed. Lincoln is working on cleaning up this code, as Arlan is out.
5. Designing new drone ideas
Julian and Ian thought about maybe changing the size of the paper of the drone to make it lighter or heavier depending on conditions.
Lincoln and Eli working on software Getting 3D printed intake and outtake ready for robot